How Long To Veg Cannabis

Embarking on the journey of cannabis cultivation unveils a pivotal stage that significantly influences the health, potency, and yield of your plants: the vegetative stage. This critical period in a cannabis plant's life cycle sets the foundation for successful flowering, making an understanding of its duration essential for growers aiming for optimum results.

The question of "How long to veg cannabis?" is more than just a matter of time; it's about mastering the art of cultivation to meet specific goals, whether you're a novice gardener or a seasoned grower. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the essentials of the vegetation stage, exploring how various factors such as strain genetics, growing conditions, and desired plant size play a role in determining the optimal veg time.

By equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate this phase of your cannabis plant growth, we aim to empower you to maximize the potential of marijuana growth for your cannabis plants, ensuring marijuana plants that produce seeds have a robust foundation for bountiful flowering. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of the vegetation period during which your cannabis plant grows, paving the way for a rewarding cultivation experience.

Understanding the Vegetation Phase

vegetative stage of cannabis

The vegetation phase, often referred to as the "veg stage," is a period of growth that occurs after germination and before flowering in the cannabis plant's life cycle. It's a time of rapid development, where plants focus on building a strong structural framework of roots, stems, and leaves, setting the stage for future bud production. Understanding this phase is crucial for optimizing plant health and yield.

Here's what you need to know:

Factors Influencing Vegetation Duration

Strain Genetics (Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid)

Strain Genetics

Indica strains typically have shorter vegetation periods due to their compact growth pattern, making them suitable for growers with limited space or those growing medium or seeking smaller plants for quicker harvests.

indica strains

Sativa strains, known for their tall and lanky growth, often require a longer veg stage to fully develop their structure, which can result in higher yields given enough space and time.

sativa strains

Hybrid strains inherit traits from both Indica and Sativa parents, leading to a vegetation duration that falls somewhere in between, depending on the dominant genetic traits of female plants and male plants together.

hybrid strains

Desired Plant Size

plant sizes

The longer a plant grows and remains in the vegetative stage, the larger it will grow. Growers with grow space and aim for larger plants with more branches and potential bud sites will often extend the vegetative phase over time. Conversely, those with limited space, growing outdoors, or seeking a quicker turnaround to start flowering may opt for smaller plants with a shorter vegetative stage.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Growing Conditions

Indoor growers have complete control over their plants' environment, including the light cycle, which directly impacts vegetation length. By manipulating the hours of light intensity, relative humidity, and exposure, indoor growers can extend or shorten the veg stage as needed.

indoor growing of cannabis

Outdoor growers are at the mercy of the season's relative humidity and natural light cycles, which means the veg stage can vary significantly based on geographic location and planting time.

outdoor growing of cannabis

Optimal Duration for Vegetation

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer for the most serious vegetative stage or growth stage, general guidelines suggest the veg stage or vegetative phase period can last anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks for most indoor grows. However, this duration can be adjusted based on the factors mentioned above. Understanding the characteristics of your chosen strain, your growth goals, and the specifics of your growing environment will help you determine the ideal veg, vegetative phase, and time for your cannabis plants.

The vegetation phase, starting with the flowering period, is more than just a waiting period; it's an opportunity to nurture your plants, ensuring they have everything they need to grow and thrive. By paying close attention to the flowering stage of mother plants, their development, and responding to their needs, you set the stage for a successful and rewarding flowering phase.

Techniques to Maximize Veg Stage Efficiency

Maximizing the efficiency and explosive growth of your plants during the vegetative stage, the mother plant is crucial for cultivating robust cannabis plants that will produce abundant, high-quality yields. This section explores various techniques to ensure your plants not only survive but thrive during the vegetation phase of the plant, setting your plants on a strong foundation for the flowering phase of the plant.

Lighting Considerations (Spectrum, Intensity, and Schedule)

lighting considerations


During the veg stage, cannabis plants benefit from a light spectrum with more blue light. This promotes healthy leaf growth and sturdy plant structure. LED or metal halide lights are excellent choices for this very first, vegetative growth stage and growth phase.


The amount of light your plants receive is directly proportional to their growth rate. Ensuring your plants have enough light without overwhelming them with artificial light is a delicate balance. Adjust the height of your lights to meet the needs of your growing plants, and consider using a lux meter to monitor light levels when growing indoors.


Cannabis plants in the vegetative stage thrive on long light cycles. An 18/6 schedule, meaning 18 hours of light followed by 6 hours of darkness, is widely used and supports vigorous growth. Some growers opt for a 24/0 lighting schedule, although this can increase costs and may not significantly benefit plant growth.

Nutrient Management During Veg

nutrient management

During veg, most vegetative plants and cannabis plants require high levels of nitrogen to support leaf and stem growth. Providing marijuana plants with a balanced, healthy cannabis plant-specific plant nutrient solution that is rich in nitrogen will help your marijuana plants grow strong and healthy.

Overfeeding can harm your plants, leading to nutrient burns. It's essential to follow a feeding schedule and adjust based on your plants' responses. Begin with a diluted nutrient solution and gradually increase the strength as your plants mature.

Training Methods (LST, Topping, and SCROG)

Low Stress Training (LST)

Low Stress Training

This technique involves gently bending and tying down plant branches to expose more of the plant to light, promoting an even canopy and larger yields.



By cutting off the top of the fan leaves of the plant so they enter the main stem, you can encourage the plant to grow two fan leaves on the plant, which requires two main stems instead of one. This increases the number of cola sites the plant receives, potentially leading to bigger plants and a higher yield.

Screen of Green (SCROG)

screen of green

This method involves growing outdoors by placing a screen above the plants and weaving the branches through the screen as they grow. It maximizes light exposure and encourages even growth across the canopy.

Monitoring Plant Health and Progress

Regularly inspect your plants for signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, which could indicate issues with nutrients, water, or light.

Adjust your care routine based on the plants' responses to your interventions. Cannabis cultivation is as much an art as it is a science, requiring observation and adaptability.

Transitioning From Veg to Flowering

As your plants approach the end of the vegetative phase of the seedling stage of their life cycle, preparing them for the flowering phase of cannabis growth is crucial. This involves adjusting the light schedule to 12/12 (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness) for the vegetative state of indoor growth, which triggers flowering. Outdoor growers must rely on the natural change in daylight hours to signal to their plants that it's time to start flowering.

Ensuring your cannabis plants are healthy and well-nourished before this transition starts flowering is vital. Any stress or deficiencies experienced by female cannabis plants during the veg stage or vegetative stage phase of marijuana growth can impact the flowering phase of cannabis growth, your marijuana plant's growth, and ultimately your plant's yield and potency.

By applying these techniques with care and precision, you can maximize the veg stage and flowering stage phases of the marijuana life cycle and the marijuana plant's efficiency, setting your cannabis plants up for a successful and fruitful flowering phase and vegetative stage of the marijuana plant life cycle.

FAQs on Vegging Cannabis

As growers embark on the more serious vegetative stage and growth phase of their cannabis cultivation journey, questions often arise regarding the vegetation phase and its implications for plant health, yield, and overall success. This section addresses some frequently asked questions to provide clarity and guidance.

How does veg time affect THC levels?

The vegetation period primarily influences the size and structure of the cannabis plant, rather than directly impacting THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels. However, a longer veg time can result in more than marijuana, cannabis seedlings, seeds, and plant growth in larger marijuana plants with more bud sites, potentially leading to increased overall THC production.

It's important to note that THC levels are also influenced by marijuana plant genetics, environmental factors, and post-harvest processing techniques.

Can I veg cannabis for too long?

While extending the veg stage of cannabis growth during the growing cycle for growing weed can lead to larger, healthier plants, and higher yields, there is a point of diminishing returns. Vegging cannabis for too long can result in excessively large plants that are difficult to manage and may require additional resources.

Additionally, prolonged veg times during the cannabis vegetative stage of cannabis growth when growing weed can delay the onset of flowering, prolonging the overall growth cycle drying process of growing weed. It's essential to strike a balance between veg time and plant size to optimize yield and efficiency.

What are the differences in veg time between indoor and outdoor grows?

The optimal veg time can vary between indoor and outdoor grows due to differences in environmental conditions and the hours of light cycle availability. Indoor growers have full control over light cycles and environmental factors, allowing them to manipulate veg times to suit their preferences.

Outdoor growers, on the other hand, are subject to natural light cycles and seasonal changes, which can influence the duration of the veg stage. Generally, outdoor grows may have shorter veg times due to the limited window of favorable growing conditions.


As growers navigate the complexities of cannabis cultivation, understanding the nuances of the vegetation phase is paramount to achieving success. By addressing common questions and concerns surrounding vegging and other various cannabis plant growth stages, this guide aims to empower growers with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions throughout the cultivation process. Whether optimizing yield, potency, or overall plant health, thoughtful consideration of veg time and its implications is essential for realizing the full potential of your cannabis garden.

Additional Resources

Expanding your knowledge and staying informed are essential aspects of successful cannabis cultivation. Below are some valuable resources that offer further insights, guidance, and community support for growers at every stage of their journey.

Books and Websites for Further Reading

1. "The Cannabis Grow Bible" by Greg Green: A comprehensive guide covering all aspects of cannabis cultivation, from growing the cannabis plant from seedlings through harvest.

2. An online resource providing strain reviews, cultivation tips, and cannabis news.

3. A beginner-friendly website offering step-by-step guides, troubleshooting advice, and a supportive community forum.

Forums and Communities for Grower Discussions

1. A popular online forum for cannabis growers to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from each other.

2. Grasscity Forums: An active community of cannabis enthusiasts discussing cultivation techniques, strains, and industry news.

3. Reddit's r/microgrowery: A subreddit dedicated to small-scale cannabis cultivation, featuring grow journals, Q&A sessions, and helpful resources.

Educational Courses and Workshops

1. Cannabis Training University: Offers online courses covering various aspects of cannabis cultivation, extraction, and business management.

2. Horticultural Societies and Associations: Many local horticultural societies and cannabis associations offer workshops, seminars, and events focused on cannabis cultivation.

Local Grow Stores and Nurseries

1. Visit your local grow store: These establishments often have knowledgeable staff who can provide personalized advice, recommend products, and answer specific questions about cannabis cultivation.

2. Nurseries specializing in growing cannabis only: Some nurseries cater specifically to cannabis growers, offering a wide range of strains of marijuana plants, marijuana seeds, small plants, clones, and cultivation supplies.

By leveraging these resources and actively engaging with the growing cannabis and cultivation community, growers can access a wealth of knowledge, support, and inspiration to enhance their cultivation practices. Whether you're a novice grower seeking guidance or an experienced cultivator looking to refine your techniques, these resources offer valuable tools and information to help you achieve success in your cannabis garden.